Property Decorator | input output decorator angular example | how to pass data from one component to another in angular 8

Decorator in Angular 8 | How to pass data from one component to another in angular 8

Decorators are a design that is used to separate modification or decoration of a class without modifying the original source code.

Decorators are of 4 types.

In this article we will discuss about Property decorator.

Property decorator

Property decorators are the 2nd most common decorator in angular.
Property decorators is of 2 types

  • Input 
  • Output

Input Output Decorator

Input Decorator

Input decorator is declared as @Input().
@Input() can be declared by importing Input interface. 

With the Input decorator we simply put the @Input() before the property which angular compiler automatically create input binding from the property name and link them.

Lets Implement Input decorator in Angular 8.

Before that Lets create a folder called Test.

1.Go to App.component.ts and add the below code.

export class AppComponent {
    myvar: string = "This is my Input property....";

2.Go to App.component.Html and add the below code.

<example-component [inputprop]='myvar'></example-component>

In the above we are binding a user defined property called "inputprop" which will be linked to the Input property.

3.Create a typescript file called Test.component.ts. and write the below code under the file.

import { Component,Input } from '@angular/core';
    selector: 'example-component',
    template: '<div>{{name}}  {{inputprop}}</div>',
export class ExampleComponent {
    name: string = "This is my component!!!!!";
    @Input() inputprop:string


In the above code we link the property defined in the App.component.ts to the above code by declaring @Input.

We are done!!!!!!!!
Once we run the application we can able to see the output in the browser...

Output Decorator

Now Lets understand Output decorator .
Output decorator declared as @output().

@Output() can be declared by importing Output Interface and EventEmitter class.

The logic behind this is variable associated with @Output hold the event assigned by EventEmitter class.

Event can be emit with the help of emit().

Lets take a scenario.

A button and string value is in child component.
When button clicked then the string value will be displayed in the parent component.

Lets implement the output decorator .

1. Under Test.component.ts write the below code.

import { Component,Output,EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'example-component',
    templateUrl: 'app/Test/Test.component.html',
export class ExampleComponent {  
    @Output() mydataevent = new EventEmitter<string>();
    myoutputdata: string = "My output data";
    GetData(): void {


In the above Output interface and EventEmitter class are imported.
mydataevent  hold the event  and emitted to the parent in the hilighted text.

2. Under Test.component.html write the below code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <button (click)="GetData()">Click Me</button>

In the above we are generating a click event and call a method called GetData() to execute the method.

3. App.Component.html write the below code.

<example-component (mydataevent)=displaymethod($event)></example-component>


In the above code we received the event highlighted above and then call the displaymethod($event) to display the method content. 
$event received the data passed from the child component.

4. App.Component.ts write the below code.

export class AppComponent {    
    mytestvalue: string;   
    displaymethod(myvalue:string): void {
        this.mytestvalue = myvalue;

In the above we receive data and display the data in the html by  {{mytestvalue}}

5. Do not forget to register the associated component class in the the app.module.ts. 

You can run the application and Generate a event by clicking the button. You can see the output as below once u click the button.

Output Decorator
Output Decorator

We are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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