Strategy Design Pattern in C#

Strategy design pattern

Strategy design pattern comes under behavioral design pattern. It create different strategy classes which is interdependent to the Parent class, and these classes can be used interchangeably in side the family of parent class.  

Remember Always we should focus on future requirement and based on that we should design our application.

Book Definition

Strategy design Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable, Strategy lets the algorithm very independently from client that use it.


Lets say We have a video game where different kind of ducks do the different kind of operation.

Now Initially We have one abstract class called DUCK and one child class called ReadHeadedDuck. So we implemented inheritance concept and easily we achieve the functionality by reuse the code.

Its very easy right!! But there is some problem in it. we will discuss this below.

Now the game was more popular. So the owner of the video game thinking to add news features!!!!!!!

Now he added another object called RubberDuck.

Remember RubberDuck do not have all the functionality what ReadheadedDuck have. Then you need to forcefully implement the methods of DUCK in the RubberDuck even though its not required as it inheriting from parent DUCK. 

This violates DRY Principle.

See the below code.

 public abstract class Duck


        public abstract void Swim();

        public abstract void Display();

        public abstract void FlyBird();

        public abstract void QuarkBird();              


    public class RedHeadedDuck : Duck


        public override void Display()


            //Implement Display functionality


        public override void FlyBird()


            //Implement Fly functionality


        public override void QuarkBird()


            //Implement Quack functionality


        public override void Swim()


            //Swim functionality



    public class RubberDuck : Duck


        public override void Display()


            //Implement Display functionality


        public override void FlyBird()


            //Do not have Fly functionality


        public override void QuarkBird()


            //Do not have Quack functionality


        public override void Swim()


            //Implement Swim functionality




                                                                                                                                                                Lets say in future one more duck object will be added then we need

 to implement some method forcefully which is very difficult to 



We should create a decoupled system which will help us to write less code and easy maintenance.

What should we do and how can we change the above code???

Step-1 Find the methods which can not be applicable to all the Objects(QuackBird() and FlyBird())

Step-2 Take those methods (Flybird(), Quackbird())and create a separate class called strategy class.

Step-3 Those strategy classes are used by the required objects of DUCK family. 

See the below design as described in the above 3 steps.

In the above Image DUCK is the abstract class which contains all the duck objects like ReadHeadedDuck,WhiteDuck and RubberDuck. 

See the below code which helps to maintain code if any future changes are there and also effort also less.

    class DesignPattern_Basic
        public static void Main()
            Duck redhead = new RedHeadedDuck();
            Duck white = new WhiteDuck();
            Duck rubber = new RubberDuck();

    class flyHigh:IFlyable
        public void fly()
            Console.WriteLine("Duck flying very fast.....");
    public interface IFlyable
        void fly();
    public interface IQuackable
        void quack();
    class QuackHigh: IQuackable
        public void quack()
            Console.WriteLine("This Duck is quackable.....");
    public abstract class Duck
        public IFlyable iflyable;
        public IQuackable iquack;
        public abstract void Swim();
        public abstract void Display();   
        public void FlyBird()
        public void QuarkBird()
    public class RedHeadedDuck : Duck
        public RedHeadedDuck()
            iflyable = new flyHigh();
            iquack = new QuackHigh();
        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("This is redheaded duck");
        public override void Swim()
            Console.WriteLine("This duck swims fast");
    public class WhiteDuck:Duck
        public WhiteDuck()
            iquack = new QuackHigh();
        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("This is white duck");
        public override void Swim()
            Console.WriteLine("This duck swims slow");
    public class RubberDuck:Duck
        public override void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("This is rubber duck");
        public override void Swim()
            Console.WriteLine("This duck swims slow");

Things to Remember
  • Strategy Design Pattern helps to create strategy class.
  • The Parent class not aware of the logic of the strategy class even though its part of the Parent class
  • Strategy class can be implemented to the family of parent class based upon the requirement.
  • Strategy design pattern is of behavioral type.


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