Cloud Computing - Types of Cloud-Private-vs-public-vs-Hybrid

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is nothing but accessing Hardware and Software through Internet rather than keeping it physically.

In simple way we can understand like below.

Cloud - The data center/Virtual machine stored in different location 
Computing - Manipulating the hardware,software and data.

1.Based upon the deploy model cloud can be of 3 types.

  • Private Cloud
  • Public Cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
Types of Cloud-Private-vs-public-vs-Hybrid
Types of Cloud-Private-vs-public-vs-Hybrid

Private Cloud:-
Private cloud use dedicated server which not shared with other.
It is secured because you can not access the resources from outside if and only if if you are not connected to VPN(Virtual Private Network). So resources can be accessed on the premises of the company. 

Public Cloud:- 
Public cloud uses shared server . So there is always a security constraint. You can access the resources anywhere . So this is publicly available , so called Public Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud:-
Hybrid Cloud uses both Private cloud and Public Cloud.
Here We can store confidential data to the private cloud and Non Confidential data to the public cloud.
          Companies who use Private cloud cost more, so to reduce the cost they migrate non-confidential data to the public cloud.As we all knew Public cloud cost is low compared to private cloud. So companies use hybrid cloud to reduce the cost.

2.Based upon the Service Model cloud can be of 3 types.

  • Infrastructure as a service(IaaS)
  • Platform as a service(PaaS)
  • Software as a service(SaaS)

Cloud computing service model diagram

On-Premise :- 

  • On-Premise is a Non cloud platform which do not depend upon the Cloud providers.
  • It manage its resources of its own with in its premises. 
  • It's cost is high compared to other services.
  • Examples are Conventional server
IaaS :-
  • Infrastructure as a service is a cloud platform which depends upon the cloud provider.
  • It can be managed on its own premises or outside the premises.
  • It cost less than the non cloud Platform.
  • The cloud providers manages the servers,storage,Networking and Virtualization and remaining manages by users.
  • Examples are AWS EC2,Windows Azure
PaaS :- 
  • Platform as a service is a cloud platform .
  • Cloud providers manages everything except Application and Data.
  • It is less cost compared to and this is based upon pay as you use basis.
  • Examples are AWS Elastic Beanstalk,Windows Azure.
SaaS :-
  • Software as a Service is a Software completely managed by Vendor.
  • We can directly access the services though the URL .
  • Sales-force,Google Apps,Dropbox,CRM


  • Cloud is more is more cheaper than the On-premise.
  • This is Pay as you Use Basis.
  • Maintenance is less.
  • Can scale high and low to resources.
  • Need to compromise on security compared to On-premise.
  • If small business cloud is a better choice.
  • For big business can choose private cloud as a deployment model.

For more information you can visit the Microsoft link 


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