Azure Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages

Windows Azure

Windows azure is a part of Cloud computing developed by Microsoft.It is a Public cloud platform. Azure is Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service.

Azure Support more than 18 cloud services .Among them Compute,Networking,Storage,Web and Database are widely used services. 

Below are the advantages and disadvantages of Azure Cloud.

  • Less cost.
  • Easy to Maintain
  • Scalable
  • No Data loss. 

Less Cost :- As we know cloud is Pay as you Use Basis. So we need to pay for the storage we used and for how long we use it.

Easy to Maintain :-In cloud computing the server is manage and Maintain by the vendor so no need to put extra effort to maintain the server for our own.

Scalable :- We can scale up and scale down the resources as per our requirement which reduce the cost .

No Data Loss :- Microsoft Azure having Back up of the server based up on the plan you take. So they provide 99.99% guarantee of no data loss called 9.99% of SLA. 

Disadvantages :-

  • High Security risk
  • Less control compared to on-premise.
  • Technical issue 
High Security risk :- Servers are in data centers which are not in our control and we are putting our confidential data to that server. So there can be security issue as we are using vendor servers to store our confidential data.

Less control compared to on-premise :- We have less control over the server as it is not physically available to us. It is in data centers of the vendors. 

Technical issue :- If any technical issue arises we have to communicate with the cloud provider support team to resolve it as we do not have control over the servers. 


You can take the free subscription free for 1 month by clicking Free Trial Azure which navigate you to the free trial page as below.

Azure Subscription free trial

This will be valid for 30 days and the amount of $200  will be credited to your azure account.


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