Introduction and Compiling Process in C#


C#.Net is a high level language which is 1st introduced in 2002.The 1st version released is C#1.0 and is associated with the Framework 1.0.

The syntax of C# is almost equal to c++. So those who know C or C++ , its easy for them to learn syntactically.

See the below table which describe the Release details year wise.

c# version Release Year Framework
C# 1.0 20021.0
C# 1.1 2003 1.1
C# 1.2 2003 1.1
C# 2.0 2005 2
C# 3.0 2017 2,3,3.5
C# 4.0 2010 4
C# 5.0 2012 4.5
C# 6.0 2015 4.6
C# 7.0 2017 4.6.2
C# 7.1 2017 4.7
C# 7.2 2017 4.7.1
C# 7.3 2018 4.7.2

We can see the latest version is C# 7.3 released in 2018.

In c# lots of powerful feature are available . those are delegates,events,generics and many more.

Compiling process

using System;
namespace TestApplication
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Test Class");

See the above simple application.
when we try to run the above application Lets say console application, there are 2 things happening.

It compile the code and then run the code. In between these process we come across the below 2 compiler.

  • C# Compiler
  • JIT Compiler
Lets Understand by taking an example.


In the above image it convert C# language to MSIL code along with meta data. Then JIT Compiler converts MSIL to Machine language . 
We can use ILDASM to see the MSIL code in c#.

If compiling process are successful then we can see our output.



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