App services Plan in Azure


An App Service plan represents a set of features and capacity that you can share across multiple apps in Azure App Service, including Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Logic Apps or API Apps

So this means we can create a single app service plan and apply it to multiple App services.

We can say it define a set of compute resources where we can run our app.

Lets create a App service plan and understand it in a better way.

Create App Service Plan

To Create a app service plan go to Crete Resources-> Search for App service plan(classic)

Create App Service Plan

After selecting the app service plan we can see the below screen where we need to choose the pricing tire for the app service.

Create App Service Plan

See the Highlighted part is the Pricing Tire where you can choose the compute resources based upon your requirement. 

Remember if you are selecting higher pricing tier then amount to be paid also high.

Now we should know what is the pricing tier is....

if you click on the Pricing tier which is highlighted in the image you can see there are different pricing tiers are available from which we need to choose one, based upon the requirement.

Pricing tier is of 3 types.
  • Basic
  • Standard
  • Premium
Basic- This is the lowest configured tier. Is called B1. Price cost approximately 32.74USD/Month.It do not have staging slots.

Standard-This is the default tier one and is called S1 .Price cost approximately 44.64USD/Month.It allows 5 staging slots.

Premium-This is the highest configured tier and is called P1V2,P2V2,P3V2.Its pricing is higher than basic and standard. It allows 20 staging slots.It has some additional features of Daily backup and Traffic manager which is not available in Basic and Standard.

Memory usage

We can see the memory usage of the app service plan by following the below steps.App service plan->file system storage.

Memory Usage App Service Plan

Points to remember

  •  We can not create App services like web app, mobile app without app service plan.
  • Based upon the size of app , Workload and performance and size we have to choose the app service plan.
  • Can upscale and downscale the app service plan based upon the requirement.
  • Can not delete the app service plan if any application is associated with it.
  • We can put multiple resources to a single app service plan depends upon their capacity.



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